First-Gen Grad Gives Back

Jesse Sendejas

A mentor’s suggestion sent Jesse Sendejas (B.L.A. ’03, J.D. 2005年,她走上了法学院的道路,并在密苏里州堪萨斯城从事刑事司法工作. 尽管她的日程安排很紧,但她还是抽出时间在社区做志愿者.

Sendejas在UMKC大学的前几年在一家医生办公室工作. When the practice split, 她花了一些时间和律师们在一起,这些律师为医生的一个新诊所的建立而工作. 在观察Sendejas与团队的互动时,她的老板建议了她未来的职业道路.

“她问我打算做什么,我说我对商业感兴趣,”森德哈斯说. “She said, ‘I think law school would be a good idea for you.“尽管我知道我想上大学是因为我想要一份事业, I didn’t know anyone personally who was an attorney growing up. But after her suggestion, I hit the ground running. Within six months I had taken the LSAT.”

Following graduation, Sendejas pursued civic work. Over time, she joined the Kansas City Prosecutor’s office. Shortly after, she began to pursue volunteer opportunities.

“在我开始在堪萨斯城的永久职位之后, I wanted to do more volunteering in the community, 所以我开始在堪萨斯城大哥大姐会和堪萨斯城大都会律师协会青年律师分会做志愿者, Public Service Committee.”

她在“大哥大姐”的志愿者工作让她和小妹妹建立了长期的关系, Jasmine, who is now an adult. Sendejas是Jasmine高中时期情感和身体支持的重要组成部分, 包括在贾思敏妈妈不在的时候送她去学校. She helped Jasmine apply and get accepted to college.

“Based on my experiences as a first-gen law student, 我记得独自完成所有这些工作是多么困难,而且不知道有什么资源可用. 也许在潜意识里,这就是为什么我一直想指导孩子. 我已经看到了一点点鼓励所带来的积极影响. 我想让贾思敏知道她可以上大学——而且是离家很远的大学.”


Her volunteer work with the KCMBA has been equally rewarding.

“在我成为委员会的联合副主席之前,我自愿参加了几年的会议. Then I worked my way up in the KCMBA leadership.”

Over the years, 她发现KCMBA为社会做出了宝贵的贡献, as well as connecting attorneys from all practice areas, and working for justice in the legal system.

她说:“我认为所有这些都是促进和参与的重要内容。. “In addition, 能够与律师联系,否则我就没有机会了,这对我的职业生涯和个人生活都有很大帮助.”

Recently, 她在董事会年度会议上与其他KCMBA成员合作, “Board Forward.”

“Board Forward is our annual board meeting. We don’t ‘retreat.’ We move forward,” she said. “今年,我们与组织的不同部门合作,看看所提出的想法是否可行. And, if they were, how we could make them happen.”




“作为一名律师是一项艰苦的工作,有时压力极大, 因此,能够远离压力,看到你能给别人带来的快乐是如此令人满足.  And now that I am a single mother, 我想成为我儿子的好榜样,希望有一天他也能这样做.”


“I like the collaborative work that we do here,” she says. “我喜欢帮助人们找到解决问题的办法,让他们回到正轨. It’s always interesting, 因为每个人面临的挑战和需要解决的问题都是不同的.”

有时候,Sendejas会对案件的结果感到沮丧, but she has confidence in the system. Her relationships with her colleagues often provide insight.

“我们的评委深思熟虑,愿意分享他们的观点. 我在检察官办公室工作了十多年,所以我建立了良好的关系. It’s helpful for me to understand their process.”

这份工作要求很高,有时需要的东西比解决它的时间还多. But Sendejas’s commitment is significant.

“I love my job,” she says. “It’s very demanding, and we have a lot of cases going on at all times, 但在每个案件结束时都有奖励知道你帮助了别人. 可能是被告,也可能是受害者,或者两者都是,但帮助别人走上正确的道路,看到这种工作一直到最后,确保正义得到伸张,是令人满意的.”

她意识到,辩护律师可能会听到更多成功的故事,并得到客户的赞赏, but she does hear success stories.

“A lot of people just make mistakes, like getting too many traffic tickets, 这些都不是毁掉某人事业或妨碍他们找工作的理由. 这是要有后果的,但没必要毁了他们的一生.

有时我会接到受害者的电话,让我知道这个过程对他们很有帮助, or that their concerns were addressed. That is the most rewarding feedback.”

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Published: Jun 30, 2022

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