
A groundbreaking year filled with excitement and many firsts for the university

2023年是堪萨斯城及其大学快速发展的一年. UMKC continues to reach new heights as an institution of higher education. 和我们的学生, faculty and staff at the forefront of our accomplishments in deep partnership with the community, 这是一个非常激动人心的时刻.


Roos in Flight: UMKC Community Involved in Creation of New Airport Terminal

在2月份, the new KCI Airport terminal opened to travelers and UMKC students, 校友和教职员工帮助实现了这一目标. 在一起, 从沟通中解脱出来, 设计, 工程, consulting and art backgrounds were involved throughout the largest infrastructure project in the history of the city.



UMKC announced that it is an official higher education partner of the Kansas City Chiefs, 2022年世界冠军. The five-year partnership between UMKC and the Kansas City Chiefs focuses on student success and recruitment efforts. Opportunities for UMKC students include scholarships as well as leadership, 在酋长组织内提供指导和职业见习. Events for prospective students include stadium tours and other programs.

 一大群人, KC Wolf and KC Roo stand in front of the Student Union and cheer enthusiastically as red and gold confetti floats down onto them.


The university revealed the 设计 of its largest capital investment to date: the $120 million Healthcare Delivery and Innovation Building. With key funding from the state of Missouri and visionary Kansas City donors, the building will enable the university to provide state-of-the-art education, 寻找更新更好的方法来服务有需要的病人, strengthen collaborations with surrounding neighborhoods and facilitate greater interdisciplinary partnerships to fuel innovation and research.


UMKC Announces $10 Million Transportation Grant During Pete Buttigieg 访问

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg visited UMKC to discuss a new $10 million federal grant awarded to the School of Science and Engineering to develop innovative approaches to improve the sustainability and equity of transportation infrastructure. UMKC was among 20 selected from 169 universities to lead Tier 1 University Transportation Centers for underserved and disadvantaged populations.

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg tours the Plaster Center


T他你.S. Economic Development 政府 has named the KC region and Missouri “Tech Hubs” as part of a historic investment to strengthen t他你.S. economy and national security - and UMKC played a significant role in this recognition. "The new Tech Hubs 设计ation provides great scope for innovation in Kansas City – and I can envision all the groundbreaking advancements to come as our UMKC students, faculty and staff work in collaboration with the many fantastic organizations in the greater Kansas City area,UMKC主席Mauli Agrawal说. “我们密苏里大学堪萨斯分校感到无比兴奋."



This new 设计ation from the NASPA Center for First-Generation Student Success recognizes our efforts in supporting students with programs such as 第一总务室 Scholars. 大约一半的学生是第一代学生, and those who participate in the program have higher GPAs and are more likely to complete their degree than those who don't take part. 


New UMKC School of Medicine Building Will Transform Health-Care Access in Missouri

UMKC在新的14美元上破土动工.5 million medical building for the School of Medicine campus in St. 约瑟夫. With nearly half of rural counties in Missouri lacking adequate health-care access, 这22,000-square-foot building will transform access by training future health care providers who are committed to rural medicine, 支持研究并为圣何塞的人们提供护理. 约瑟夫和周边地区.

Chancellor Agrawal and approximately 15 medical students participate in a groundbreaking ceremony


UMKC paid tribute to the contributions and presence of the Divine Nine fraternities and sororities with a ceremonial unveiling in the heart of campus. Hundreds of people from across the Kansas City region representing the Divine Nine Black Greek organizations that make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council gathered to celebrate.

Representatives of the Divine Nine Black Greek organizations stand next to there fraternity's or sorority's plaque.

UMKC和堪萨斯城动物园有什么共同之处? 袋鼠

堪萨斯大学和堪萨斯城动物园 & Aquarium announced a five-year partnership centered around their shared love of kangaroos. The relationship between the two Kansas City institutions dates back almost 90 years. 下次你去动物园的时候, venture into the Australia section to learn how the Roo came to be the mascot of UMKC.




今年绝对是霉霉的一年, and Conservatory alumnus Kameron Saunders has enjoyed the excitement. He had the chance to "make the whole place shimmer" in Kansas City as a backup dancer on the Eras tour with Taylor Swift. 虽然最初来自St。. 路易斯,桑德斯把堪萨斯城当作自己的第二个家.

三张卡姆·桑德斯的照片. 泰勒·斯威夫特.
