UMKC 克兰西·马丁教授 Receives National Recognition and Accolades

马丁上了哥伦比亚广播公司周日早间节目, was a Kirkus nonfiction finalist and received the University of Missouri System Thomas Jefferson Award
Clancy Martin sits facing CBS reporter Susan Spencer with recording equipment above them and to the right side

克兰西·马丁博士.他是密苏里大学堪萨斯分校著名的哲学教授. His latest book: 《世界杯赌场盘口》” was a 2023 Kirkus Prize nonfiction finalist.

Martin has talked about his personal story about suicide on "CBS周日早上美国国家公共电台(NPR)新鲜的空气“在…… 纽约时报 出现在 堪萨斯城公共图书馆.

In April 2024, he was awarded the University of Missouri System Thomas Jefferson Award. Martin joins a distinguished group of award recipients who have demonstrated clear excellence and distinction in teaching, 研究, 写作, creative activities and service to the university and humankind.

密苏里大学系统校长Mun Choi, 克兰西·马丁教授, UMKC主席Mauli Agrawal, UMKC Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Jennifer Lundgren
密苏里大学系统校长Mun Choi, 克兰西·马丁教授, UMKC主席Mauli Agrawal, UMKC Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Jennifer Lundgren | Brandon Parigo摄

We wanted to get to know this popular professor a little better. 以下是关于克兰西·马丁的七个有趣的事实:


“I was a chemistry major, and I wanted to go to medical school,马丁说. But how did he end up teaching philosophy instead of going to medical school? Like many students who end up on a new career path, he took a required elective.

“我甚至不知道哲学是什么,”他说. “Then I just had this amazing professor and read a couple of philosophers in that class. I didn't realize that people thought and wrote like this. 这让我对哲学彻底着迷.”


When Martin wasn’t sure whether to continue to pursue medical school or a graduate degree in philosophy, 他转向父亲.

“Normally, to be frank, he didn't give the best advice and I normally didn't listen,马丁说. “But I called him and asked him ‘Should I go to medical school or graduate school in philosophy?他说:“儿子, 我所有的医生朋友, they complain about how they work all the time and have to deal with insurance. 他们没有家庭生活. All of my friends who are professors, none of them are rich, but they're all really happy. So, I think you should go to graduate school in philosophy,’ and for once, I listened.”



After Martin had his first child (bonus fun fact: she is currently getting her Ph.D. 在她爸爸的母校, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 但在哲学中不是这样), 他辍学了一段时间. He had brothers in the jewelry business and decided to give working with them a try.

“我以为, maybe I should just make a lot of money rather than be a professor, 我这样做了六七年,他说. “我很痛苦。, 每当我情绪低落的时候, 我会开车去大学校园, 只是想在校园里走走,看看学生们. 它会让我记得生命是值得活下去的, until eventually I knew I had to get up and go back to graduate school. I had to become a professor because it's just where my heart was.”

He's written for many popular publications, including the 纽约时报 and Elle.

When asked how he started 写作 for such a large gamut of publications, 马丁向他的英雄们致敬, 19th-和20th20世纪存在主义哲学家.

“Their driving idea is that philosophy should always be relevant to as many people as possible,他说. “Basically, it should be relevant to the ordinary person on the street. And if we can't reach that person and speak to that person, 那我们只是没有正确地研究哲学. 我非常坚信这一点.”

His favorite experience with his 写作 (so far) has been his latest book, 《世界杯赌场盘口》.”

他说这是因为它是最难写的. 他花了大约五年的时间.

“It was the most serious self-interrogation that I've done in any of my work,马丁说. “我认为, 作为一个哲学家, part of your job is to try to go as deeply as you can and ask the questions about the meaning of life. This is when I have done my most thorough attempt yet to investigate that question. 它有一种肯定生命的品质.”

Clancy Martin writes on the whiteboard while teaching a class; CBS cameras and reporters are around him


马丁说:“我喜欢走路上学. “我喜欢纳尔逊-阿特金斯艺术博物馆. I love that Kansas City has everything you want in a big city, but it still feels like a normal size. You never feel overwhelmed, like you can in a lot of big cities. 我只是觉得这是个合适的地方. 自从我来到这里,我就得到了其他的工作机会, and I've never been tempted to leave because I love the city, UMKC和我们的学生.”

He wants the student body to know support is available across the UMKC campus.

“如果他们觉得自己毫无价值, 焦虑, 压力或恐惧, 像这样的东西, 接触, 不只是对我, 还有UMKC的所有教职员工,马丁说. “I would like our students to know that we are here for them as human beings and as people to help them in every way that we can. 我们不仅仅是他们的教育资源. 我们是他们的人力资源. 等他们毕业了. I always tell my students ‘Hey, once you’ve had me as a professor, you're stuck with me for life now. Anytime you need me, send me an email and I'll be there for you.’ And I know that's not just true of me, that's true of all of my colleagues who are faculty at UMKC. This is how we run things at UMKC, and this is one of the best things about our university.”
