
校长宣布研究成果, 学生成功里程碑和主要建设计划

UMKC校长Mauli Agrawal发表了年度演讲 大学概况 四月三日演说, highlighting the significant achievements Kansas City’s university has accomplished in the past year.

“Today, we bear witness to how we at UMKC are breaking the norm to create a transformative university that can change lives and push the boundaries of excellence,阿格拉瓦尔说. “在接下来的几年里, 我们已准备好达到最精英水平的卓越研究, 加速我们学生的成功, and we are literally changing the face of our campus with signature building projects that support our highest strategic goals.

“如果我们做的每件事都是卓越的, big or small, is our goal, then in the pursuit of excellence we can never be satisfied with status quo.”

1. Research

研究实验室的Maria spleter.

With recent, 科研事业快速发展, UMKC anticipates achieving a Carnegie R1 designation in the next two to four years. 从这个角度来看, 2所大学中只有146所,目前有800所四年制院校具有R1研究地位, 使UMKC成为一个有声望的集团.

The R1 designation will make it easier to attract even more world-class faculty and students, and to receive more research funding and partnerships with other R1 institutions.

 “It will accelerate the creation of new knowledge to serve society and to enrich our students’ classroom experiences, and exposing students to high-quality research is a proven way to enhance their career outcomes,阿格拉瓦尔说. “我们的学生,研究生和本科生,都应该得到最好的. 我们的社区也是如此.”

 UMKC is Kansas City’s only public research university and has played a crucial role in various Missouri research projects including major roles in two tech hub designations from the U.S. 经济发展局, which hold the potential to unlock hundreds of millions in research funding for UMKC, 密苏里大学系统, 密苏里和堪萨斯.

2. 学生的成功


UMKC achieved several milestones in student success during the 2023-24 academic year including:

  • The largest class of first-time college students in UMKC history in 2023, 它希望在2024年秋季继续取得成功
  • 2024年秋季的转学生申请大幅增加
  • 国内研究生世界杯赌场盘口人数增加
  • 十年来最高的学生保留率和毕业率, 多亏了像First Gen Roos这样的创新项目, which gained national recognition when the Center for First-Generation 学生的成功 named UMKC a First Scholars program, 该中心第二高的称号

UMKC也将在明年推出新的学位课程, creating degrees of high relevance to students that also capitalize on key community strengths and workforce needs.

Upcoming programs going through final approvals and preparation include:

  • A bachelor’s degree in architecture in the School of Science and Engineering, starting in 2025.
  • 获得法学院法律研究硕士学位.
  • Eight new Ph.D. programs 在电气工程中, 计算机工程, 土木工程, 计算机科学, economics, education, 人文科学和自然科学将于2025年秋季开始.
3. 主要建筑措施及更新

UMKC plans major changes to its physical facilities to meet key strategic goals. 以下是其中的一些:



UMKC will begin construction in June on the $120 million 医疗保健服务和创新建设, 历史上最大的首都, 当它在25分开始清理停车场的时候th 和夏洛特. 计划在今年9月举行庆祝活动. This building -- home to combined space for dental and medical programs as well as research space for health equity, biomedical engineering and data analytics center -- is scheduled to open in 2026.



春季学期结束后, 学生会的餐饮服务部, 除了星巴克, 会关闭,为美食节让路吗. 2025年1月开业, 这个餐饮场所会有更多的选择, 从烧烤和沙拉吧到意大利面和无过敏原区. Chick Fil A也将于2025年1月重新开业.



Work on new student success space will begin this summer on fourth floor of the Miller Nichols Library. Programs including Supplemental Instruction and Academic Support and Mentoring, 会搬到新地方吗.



51st Street between Cherry Street and Rockhill Road will open as a pedestrian plaza this fall, 提供校园和社区聚会和绿色空间.



The Kansas City Streetcar will pull up to the UMKC front door in mid-2025. UMKC is working on plans for retail and a possible arena space near this public transportation hub.

密苏里大学堪萨斯分校医学院. Joseph Campus

UMKC医学院图片效果图. 约瑟夫校园

A grand opening for a medical education building on the 密苏里大学堪萨斯分校医学院. 约瑟夫校区计划明年开学, expanding the university’s work in preparing the next generation of doctors for Missouri’s rural areas.



A sneak peek of a UMKC Conservatory expansion showed off future plans for enhancing the university’s performing arts programs.

4. Partnerships


The Chancellor celebrated UMKC’s move to think outside the norm when it comes to partnerships that benefit students. 举个例子:UMKC是一个 自豪的高等教育合作伙伴 四个专业人士, 大联盟运动队:堪萨斯城酋长队, 堪萨斯城洋流, 堪萨斯城皇家队和体育队. These partnerships provide students with unique learning opportunities such as job shadowing, mentorship, 实习和领导力发展.

5. 策略性参与及筹款


上一财年, UMKC broke its all-time record in annual philanthropic production with $94 million.

至于本财政年度, UMKC already surpassed its annual goal of $45 million and that doesn’t count Giving Day, 哪一家打破了单日捐款记录,筹得超过430美元,000, 是去年总数的三倍多.

“As you know, our community’s support is so much more than dollars,阿格拉瓦尔说. “We have an incredibly dedicated cadre of top leaders from throughout Kansas City who freely share their time and energy to help make UMKC top-class."


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